Felipe's Petition

On Wednesday, November 3, at 4 pm, the State Police of Guerrero, Mexico, detained the leader of the "Campesino Ecologist Organization of Petatlan", Felipe Arreaga Sanchez, in the town of Petatlan.

Felipe Arreaga was accused of having participated in the homicide of the son of one of the local "timber barons", Nino Bautista, on May 30 of 1998, when Felipe Arreaga was actually being treated for a debilitating back injury in the community of Las Mesas. He was also accused of associating with criminals. The accusations are unfounded and appear to represent the initiation of yet another round of repression against these declared defenders of the forests.

Felipe Arreaga Sanchez is currently forced to share his cell at the Zihuatanejo Jail with 15 other inmates. He has insufficient space to even stretch out on the floor so he is again suffering from aggravating back pains.

If you would like to help fight for Felipe Arreaga Sanchez's immediate release, please:

1. copy this message and
2. paste it into a new email, adding your name to the list.
3. Send it to all your friends and acquaintances.
4. If you are the 20th (or 40th, or 60th, or 80th, etc.) person on the list, please also send a copy of the message to colectivo_costalibre@hotmail.com (on the Cc line).

What follows are first, the translation and second, the original of the petition letter we will be sending to the Governor of the state of Guerrero, the President of the Superior Court of Justice and the First Criminal Court Judge.





We, the undersigned representatives of the civil society, would like to express our indignation at the unjust detention and inhuman treatment that the leader of the "Campesino Ecologist Organization of the Sierra of Petatlan", Felipe Arreaga Sanchez, has been subjected to. Felipe Arreaga was arrested and jailed at the Zihuatanejo Jail on Wednesday, November 3, 2004, on the accusation of a homicide that occurred in May of 1998.

On the day of the homicide of which he has been accused, Felipe Arreaga Sanchez was in a village six hours away from the place where the homicide took place, receiving reatment for a serious, debilitating back injury that prevented him for walking. As this evidence in support of the accused clearly shows, the arrest and following detention of Felipe Arreaga does not show diligence nor genuine interest on the part of the government to apply the law or justice as essential elements to guarantee social peace, but an undisguised support for the timber lords and predators of the environment.

It appears to us that underneath the supposed interest in seeking punishment for a crime is lurking the most detestable face of partiality in judicial proceedings. A fresh attempt seems to be made to spread fear among rural communities and to dismember the organizations working on alternative development projects.

Those of us who are familiar with the work that Felipe Arreaga has done in the mountain communities where he has lived - always busy organizing and training people so that they would know and defend their natural resources and rights, and would participate in productive, environmentally friendly projects - consider what has been done to him an act of profound injustice.

We therefore demand that the evidence supporting his innocence should be duly taken into account and that he should be released immediately.

At the same time we insist that the same interest that was applied in the search for the murderer of Abel Bautista Guilléan be applied in the many other crimes that remain unpunished, most of all those committed against the defenders of the forest.

We consider the arrest of the campesino leader especially serious in view of the fact that a new wood-cutting season is beginning and the defenders of human rights have with renewed vitality started the fight to shed light on the murder of the attorney Digna choa.

55-year-old Felipe Arreaga Sanchez is in ill health and is suffering inhumane conditions in his jail cell that was intended for six but is occupied by 15 inmates, without so much as a place to sleep on the floor.

We demand the immediate release of Felipe Arreaga Sanchez and the honest application of the law.





Las personas firmantes del presente, representantes de organizaciones sociales, queremos expresarles nuestra indignación por la detención injusta y el trato inhumano que se ha dado al líder campesino ecologista de la sierra de Petatlán, Felipe Arreaga Sánchez, detenido y encarcelado en el Cereso de Zihuatanejo desde el miércoles 3 de Noviembre, acusado de homicidio en hechos sucedidos en mayo de 1998. Como ha quedado demostrado con las pruebas aportadas por el acusado, quien el día de los hechos de que lo acusan, se recuperaba de una grave lesión de su columna que le impedía caminar, encontrándose en una población distantes seis horas de camino del punto donde se cometió el homicidio, la orden de aprehensión y posterior detención de Felipe Arreaga no expresa ni diligencia ni interés genuino del gobierno para aplicar la ley ni la justicia, como elementos esenciales para garantizar la paz social, sino un apoyo encubierto para los talamontes y depredadores del medio ambiente.

Nos parece que bajo el supuesto interés por castigar un delito, se muestra el rostro más detestable de la parcialidad en el actuar judicial y un nuevo intento por sembrar el temor en el medio rural y desmembrar las organizaciones que trabajan en proyectos alternativos de desarrollo.

Quienes conocemos el trabajo de Felipe Arreaga en las comunidades de la sierra donde ha vivido, siempre ocupado en organizar y capacitar a las personas para que conozcan y defiendan sus recursos naturales y sus derechos, y para que participen en proyectos productivos amables con el ambiente, vemos en la acción cometida en su contra un acto de profunda injusticia.

Por eso demandamos que se valoren debidamente las pruebas de su inocencia y que se le deje de inmediato en libertad. Al mismo tiempo exigimos que con el mismo interés que se busca castigar el asesinato del joven Abel Bautista Guillén, se haga lo propio con tantos otros crímenes que permanecen impunes, sobre todo aquellos cometidos contra los defensores del bosque.

Nos parece sumamente grave el encarcelamiento del líder campesino cuando se inicia el nuevo ciclo de corta de madera y cuando los defensores de los derechos humanos han dado vitalidad a la lucha por el esclarecimiento del asesinato de la abogada Digna Ochoa.

Felipe Arreaga Sánchez de 55 años, está enfermo y sufre en la cárcel condiciones inhumanas en una celda que siendo para 6 presos están hacinados 15, sin lugar siquiera para dormir acostados en el piso.

Exigimos la Libertad Inmediata de Felipe Arreaga Sánchez y la aplicación honesta de la ley.

1. Silvestre Pacheco León, Zihuatanejo, Mexico
2. Wibke Langhorst, Wagenfeld, Alemania
3. Kristin Sullivan, Pennsylvania, USA
4. Susanna Lantz, Calgary, Canada
5. Alejandro Bello, Zihuatanejo, MX